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Tuesday Drivel


Success Hurts Progress

Had Mongolian grill for dinner. Always a good choice in my opinion. My eyes got greedy, however, and I ordered the Extra Large bowl. And...

Tuesday Drivel Supplemental: What Do I Do Now?

Went to Chili's for dinner tonight. Nothing special, run of the mill visit to a place I know well. Our server, well, he's the stand out...

It's the Little Lessons That Count

I'm waiting on an order to ship. I placed this order last week with some store credit and a deep discount that I used to pick up two...

You See, My Friend, I Brought More Writers Than You

One of the most interesting interactions I can have during a week is when I tell a person who I meet out in the world what my profession...

A Healthy Unbalance

Sometimes, a perfectly balanced life is just not possible. Something always moves in and wants more attention than the rest of everything...

The Inclusive Hypocrites

I agree with 30 of the 31 words in this sentence (counting the hyphenated words as one word each). I'll get right to the point, though,...

I Didn't Ask for the Anal Probe

"You just go ahead and let me know what you want, and I'll have that right out for you, okay?" "Uhh, okay. Like I said before, I want a...

Not Preparing to Fail

Classic. Timeless. Elegant. None of these words have anything to do with what I'm talking about today, but they are pretty good words on...

Not with a Drivel, But with a Sigh

It's Wednesday. Not exactly the best day for a Tuesday Drivel, but I'm not picky. My last two weeks have been consumed with getting...

A Promise Fulfilled

I haven’t done a Tuesday Drivel since February. It was around then that I stopped doing weekly work for my Patreon and concentrated on...

Our Day with Maisel

For about 8 hours yesterday, we had a dog. She was cute. She was sweet. She was friendly and loved us immediately. We had to call her...

(Part 2) – Or….Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

So, I had this written and ready to go for yesterday (You know, actual Tuesday, the day I’m supposed to drivel?), but the course of the...

On Being Long-Winded

Well, these things finally got here. So there’s that. D.G.

House Veto

It’s try out new scented candles week in the office, and today’s first choice just got house vetoed by my wife, who works across the...

Hint of Potato

I killed someone. Wow. That’s a load off my chest. I can’t believe what a relief it is just to type that out and read it on a screen. I...

I'm Not Paying for That

I keep getting told that Google Docs, and subsequently Google Drive and all those other Google services, is what I should really be...

The Fight Against Illiteracy

For some reason, today feels like it’s the first office day of the year. I’ve been in here most days since the 1st, and I’ve even worked...

Tuesday Drivel....Nights

This Tuesday Drivel, the first of 2019, on the first day of 2019, comes to you in the evening. I’m making a point for that to be clear in...

Two Pies, Same Path?

Today I’m dealing with a problem all too common for someone like me. That is, I’m once again wondering if the path I’ve chosen to pursue...

Tuesday Drivel: Blog2


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Tuesday Drivel is solely the product of the musings of D.G. Martin, a sci-fi and fantasy novel and short story author who has entirely too much to say about very little of actual substance. 

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