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Tuesday Drivel


Getting Back into the Drivel of Life

Mid-November. Nil progress on the WiP since late October. Looming deadline of December 31st. Believe it or not, these are the things that...

Deadlines and Drudgery

December 31, 2018. That’s the deadline I’ve set to finish the first draft of my novel manuscript. You know what I need, though? I need a...

Guest Writers

I thought about having a guest writer for this one, since I’m likely on the road, on my way back from a trip to South Carolina. But you...

Stalling Out

Guess what? I’m writing this Tuesday Drivel on Monday afternoon. OH! THE SCANDAL! This past week I’ve had to stop actual progress on the...

A Day in the Life

I’m going to assume that you want to know about my day. I mean, you’re reading this, so if that’s not what you want to hear about, you...

I Needed That

“But I don’t want to write about negative things.” “That’s easy. Write about positive things.” “It’s easy? Okay, you try it out, then.”...

Not for the First Time

Is it better to write nothing for a Tuesday Drivel if I have nothing about which to drivel, or should I attempt it anyway, knowing that...

A Barren Rock

“You know, you really shouldn’t have such a downer outlook on our situation.” “Um, did you miss the part where WE’RE ON A DESERTED...

Not Interested

Another day, another meme on the internet about how ridiculous millennials are…. Had more to say, but before I could, the day went so...

The Finer Things

It’s 7AM. Do you know where your lawn care service is? This morning, I did. Right outside my window. For 25 minutes. They used to come by...

Not Even a Picture

This week doesn’t have a picture to go along with it. No particular reason. Just no picture. If you find yourself needing a picture to go...

The Value of Feedback

A friend commented to me a couple of days ago that I have not been writing enough lately. It was not meant as a criticism. It was not...

Maybe Not So Common

Just be nice to each other. Damn. D.G.

July Recap, and August Ahead

Over all, I’m really pleased with the way that July turned out in terms of writing and what all I was able to share with you. Tuesdays...

File Not Found

Actually, I know exactly where it is. It just doesn’t need to be here anymore.

Next on the Agenda

No, it’s not that kind of agenda. I’m not that organized. Even if I was, as I said last week, it’s not like you can schedule drivel. This...

The Problem with Drivel

You know the problem with drivel? I’ve been writing it weekly for a while now, and I think I have come across the problem. Drivel can’t...

Bragging Rights

“You should listen to what I have to say about gerbils.” “Okay, but why?” “I have a Master’s Degree in Gerbils.” “Oh, cool. That must be...

If I Had a Rocket Ship

It’s not that I wouldn’t join up if I had the chance. I tried to in high school, but the combination of my eyesight (minor problem) and a...

Tuesday Drivel: Blog2


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Tuesday Drivel is solely the product of the musings of D.G. Martin, a sci-fi and fantasy novel and short story author who has entirely too much to say about very little of actual substance. 

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